Facts About Our Planet

If a volcano 'goes to sleep' and is inactive for many years, it is called a dormant volcano. But it may 'wake up' and explode at any time!

As you go higher into the sky, the air gets much colder. People in a passenger jet are warm and comfortable. But outside it is colder than a kitchen freezer!

Some tornadoes are so powerful that they pick up bicycles and even cars. Objects are sucked up high inside the tornado, before being thrown out at the top and sent crashing to the ground.

The world's biggest desert is the Sahara Desert in North Africa. But the driest is the Atacama Desert in South America. In some parts of America, it has not rained at all for hundred years

In some places the coast is made of very soft rock. The waves wear it away so that houses and even whole towns gradually fall into sea.

The deepest place on Earth is Mariana Trench, in the Pacific Ocean near Japan. It goes down nearly 11,000 meters. The  tallest mountain would easily fit into it and still underwater.